Lenten Schedule
Most Weeks of Lent
Mon, Tue, Thu. 5:30 AM Morning Office
Full Fast followed by 1/2 hour Meditation.
12 Noon Lenten Noon Office.
4 PM Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts.
5:30 PM Supper: full vegan meal.
6:30 PM Great Compline.
Wednesday Together we pray only Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts:
Poustinia the other offices we pray in the cells.
Fri. -Same schedule as Mon, Tue, Thu,
but a Simple Supper: soup and bread.-
Sat. 6 AM Morning Office
3 Full Vegan Meals + Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
Full Vegan Breakfast.
12 Noon Noon Office;
Full vegan lunch.
4:30 PM Great Vespers.
5:30 PM Full vegan supper.
6:30 PM Small Compline
Sun. 6:45 AM Morning Office
10 AM Divine Liturgy of St. Basil:
potluck dinner
4:30 PM Full vegan supper
5:30 PM Vespers,
then small compline