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Holy Transfiguration

God is light; In him there is no darkness... 

[1 John 1:5]

You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it. Let Your everlasting Light also shine upon us sinners, through the prayers of the Theotokos. O Giver of Light, glory to You!


Come and join our Divine Liturgy

Sundays 10am

Psalm 45 (First Part): Divine Beauty of the Incarnate Son

Fr. Agapetos, a long time student of the Bible and Bible languages, re-translates and re-contextualizes the Psalms before your eyes so that you can see their beauty anew.

Watch Fr. Agapetos' newest teaching here.

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Forgiveness Sunday

4:30 PM

Solemn Vespers



First Day of Great Fast        


Fast and Pray



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“If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 

[Matthew 19:21]

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